Ran every accessible street, avenue, road, lane, drive, place, terrace, mews, and plain old Broadway.
Lenox and 147th in Harlem
4th Ave in the Bowery
Hunter College bridge UES
5 foot wall map used to mark progress of Run Every Street in Manhattan effort in 2011. Lower Manhattan on left.
Color coding shows runs by quarter:
1Q = purple. Almost exclusively lower Manhattan in tough winter and early days of project.
2Q = green. Mostly Midtown and Upper East Side and starting to take advantage of the grid.
3Q = blue. Efficiency and good weather kick in. Large swath of west-side and northern Manhattan.
4Q = red. Lot of edges and filler. Streets in and on islands, runnable bridges, and some final gaps before finishing on Maiden Lane in lower Manhattan on 12/25/2011.