49 Waltzes for the Five Boros (2017)

A very different path in 2017.  In researching new projects, I came across a “map” of waltzes created by composer John Cage in 1977 for Rolling Stone to commemorate the magazine’s tenth anniversary.  Cage randomly identified 147 unique points in NYC using a Hagstrom map and then linked the points in groups of 3 to form a total of “49 waltzes”. Cage’s work and the 49 Waltzes live on thanks to Randy Gibson and others who created a fascinating and interactive site to promote the work:  http://49waltzes.com/about.php  In addition to searching and running to 147 disparate points across the City the project tuned me in to listening to the sounds of the City. 

Version of John Cage map showing 147 distinct locations grouped in 3’s to create 49 Waltzes for New York City

Version of John Cage map showing 147 distinct locations grouped in 3’s to create 49 Waltzes for New York City

Feature 1


Waltz 41.2 - Upper East Side

Waltz 41.2 - Upper East Side

Feature 2


Waltz 21.2 - Washington Heights

Waltz 21.2 - Washington Heights

Feature 3